Day 3: Best Contemporaries of 2013 (Top Ten Event)

Merry Christmas everyone! I’m getting this one up late because I didn’t really have a topic picked for today. And because it was Christmas and my hubby totally surprised me and got me the new Kindle Paperwhite. We don’t normally exchange gifts for Christmas, anniversaries or birthdays and instead get away for a long weekend. We didn’t plan anything this year and even then I still wasn’t expecting anything. So yeah, I am very happy and in love with my sleek new gadget. I can finally read in bed without the hubs telling me it’s too bright and he can’t sleep. (I had been using a book light or my phone’s Kindle app.)

Okay sorry enough of that. This is day 3 of a 5 day blogging event created by a group of blogging gals. I signed up via Two Chicks on Books, but there is also Fiktshun and Magical Urban Fantasy Reads co-hosting this year.

This is my first time participating in this event but already I’m really enjoying myself. If you’re interested in finding out more information the button at the top right of this blog will take you to the right place!

top 10 of 2013 button

Day 3: Best Contemporaries of 2013. It is blogger’s choice today. I don’t have all ten because while I read a good number of contemporaries, dystopian and paranormal are still my biggies. The rules for today are the books must have been released and read in 2013. They are in no particular order.

the beginning of everythingthe rocker that holds mesweet homeroomiesfrigid

Gah! I should have come up with a better topic, didn’t even come close.

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